Thursday, 14 February 2013


The plan

  • I am planning to start filming next week
  • The reason why is because the school's are closed because of the spring term holiday
  • Only want to spend two long days filming, with some regular breaks (e.g. for lunch)
  • Because I only want to spend two days; I must inform my two candidates about the filming, what are my plans (e.g. times and days)
  • I will ask them on the social networking site: facebook, to find out if they can make it, to minimize any unexpected circumstances which could have a negative impact on the filming.
  • Here is a screen shot of the message I've sent to my candidates, however, there is only one reply from the female candidate, and another candidate, I have also informed through the phone, as he didn't have time to go on facebook. 
  • Both has attended the filming and I am happy to say, everything went smoothly and quickly. 

  • I also need to make sure that the weather will be suitable for the filming next week (e.g. no rain, or too cold)
  • I will achieve this by looking at the BBC weather website: to predict what kind of weather will be for next week
  • I have looked at the weather prediction, and according to results, I have decided to do filming on Monday and Tuesday.

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