Sunday, 17 March 2013

Camera movements within my music video

Functions of camera movements are: to direct the viewer's attention to particular scene which I want them to see, and provide narrative information, in order to create expressive effects, as it will give original  professional  and unlike look of my music video. Therefore, before I start filming with my two candidates, I have refreshed my mind by going and looking back to my old notes. This also help to decide which of the camera movements I have to use, which of the camera movements I can use, but also which I don't have to use.

Music convention's for Pop videos

  • bright and colorful
  • close-ups to show cheerful and upbeat emotions
  • extreme close ups which tends to show the purity innocent in the personality of the artists
  • aims at the teenager audience
  • very upbeat

Here are the main one's I have picked, and decided to apply within my music video as well as some of the camera shots, I have mentioned above, in order to give an impression of professionally done real media product. 

  • Close up
  • wide shot 
  • medium shot
  • medoum close-up
  • establishing shot
  • pan shot 
  • Zoom

Within the music video, I am planning to have a mise-en-scene that will involves my protagonist character (male) to being in an isolated room, as I want to reflects the theme of isolation from his lover. In order to express this idea, I will also have to pay attention to the props, such as: dark, informal clothes which will represent the down mood of the protagonist. Similarly, the lighting will be dark, as this connotes the sadness as well as depressed mood. Also I will be using some of the transitions that are very common in music video's, such as: fade and dissolve, as they create a different effects to cuts.       

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