Friday, 25 January 2013

Front Cd covers ideas

Here are some ideas of the CD covers I have produced for the front cover's.
The name of the album is JDR-this stands for Jason Derulo as I am going to use one of his song, within my music video, ''It girl''. I have used browny-orange colour for the background, to make it match with the photo of the girl on the cover, which has been already photoshoped on different program. Another reason is the fact that I wanted to make the cover look serious and professional, therefore, I didn't used any bright colours, expect the ones on the fonts, to make it stands out better. I really like how the colour scheme from the background, image of the girl, to fonts match perfectly together. 

I've picked two colours for the both fonts, one the MASTHEAD ''JDR'' you can see bright orange colour,where I have used various of shadow's and other effects. On the title ''It' girl'' I have used lovely light creamy colour, to make it stands out better as well as helped me to create an amazing colour scheme for the look of the overall front cover. I really like this cover, and especially the colour scheme which I have used there, as everything stands out well, even though I have used the similar colours. 

I have decided to create another CD cover, similar to the first one, by using the same image and background but change the fonts (the size, the colour, and the place). The reason why is that after I've produced the first cover, I had some ideas of how to improve it, and make it even better. I decided to keep this first cover, as this is my original and first idea, from which then I have produced the another one. This allowed me to see the difference, and the progressed which I have made. Because I like the both of the covers, I decided to ask people from my class, to help me solve my problem, and pick the one they think looks 

On the second cover, I have changed the MASTHEAD and title fonts, to something more original and funny- to attract the audience attention. This also allowed me to see the difference between the first cover, and this one, as I believe that by changing the colour scheme and put some affects on the writing, make the difference and gives the various and unlike image of the overall look of the cover. On the MASTHEAD I have used one of my favourite effect ''gradient overlay'' - which has created this lovely effect of three colours, where from the top and the bottom colour is same. Also, the colour tone is different, on the top is darker and on the bottom is lighter, and in the middle you can see yellow colour. I believe that this gives impression of pop music, as the song I am going to use, is from this genre, but also creates humorous and friendly design of the fonts. The reason why is because my music video will be about two young teenagers, falling in love together. Therefore, I didn't wanted to use any sad, dark colours, but something bright to point out, not just on their age, but also on the image of love. The idea that love isn't always same,  that the love brings /begins and comes with the happiness, but also the sadness, tears and broken heart. Just like this pattern of the font- the colours are changing, and from darker to brighter= show image of love. 

Here's another different example of CD cover, where I have used the same photo, but produced it in different way, in order to show the audience the full face of this person, but also to show different possibilities of using the same photo. Also, this is my first ever Cd cover I have produced at the beginning of the year. I don't really like this cover, but what I do like are the fonts which I used there. Therefore, I decided to apply these fonts in the both of my CD covers which are above. I believe that on this cover, you can see the huge progress I have made in order to make the cover's above look better, professional, where I have also created some codes throughout the colour schemes and pattern.


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