Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Young Love

Poster with the images which are associated with the young love.

Within my music video, I am going to represent the ''young love''  by two young people, with the background song by Jason Derulo ''It' girl''. The reason for creating the poster, is to give myself perspective of how should I represent young love, so the audience will be easier to familiar with it, and will understand the codes which I will create in other to convey their meanings. As you can see there are mixed of the pictures young people like to do, eat, say when they want to express their love to someone they like, their lifestyle and clothes fashion design. All these significant elements are important for my filming part.As well as it shows the image of how young people, and how they see the love throughout their eyes, by taking the picture of the moment they think was significant. I believe that this will help me when I will be filming for my music video, as it gives me the ideas of what I should be focused on in order to represent the young love in the right, convetional way. 

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