Thursday, 21 March 2013

Q3. What have you learned from your audience feedback

Here's the link to my evaluation for q3 ( the website).

My Music Video

Monday, 18 March 2013

Feedback For My Final Media Products

Video audience feedback's 
Person 1

Person 2

In order to found out what other people might think about my final media products, I have constructed audience's feedback questionnaire, with few simple basic questions to answer, after they have watched my music video, and seen other media products; magazine advertisement, and digipack of the CD. As a evidence of it, I have photographed it and recorded their responses and comments. 

Real Media Products And Similary To My Own Products

I have researched few real media products which are available for people, in order to show you similarity between my own products I have created at school and the products that has been produced by professional. For example: in terms of colours, design, fonts, style/design and image. 

 My inspiration for  the matching front CD cover with the CD template 
My inspiration for having female on my CD cover, with extreme close up of the only half face. 


In order to create a good, professional looking music video, I have to use right, better, and accurate technology. My school has a wide range of equipment I can borrow, for how long I want and whenever I want, if I sign into equipment book and tell my teacher or Daniel (who is working in the office) about it few days before filming. This year, the school has bought a lot more technology, than last year, which is a good indicator for me using a new type of technology which I have never use before, and improve my filming skills from the last year. 

Here are the equipment I am planning to use within my music video, as well as new equipment's the school has bought. 
This  type of equipment allows me to do filming smoothly, and therefore gives me a steady shots, for example: I am planning to have a scene of two people, playing on guitar, and it would be very difficult to hold camera all the time during this scene or others, and still have the steady/clear shots. This piece of equipment is also very easy to use, and will help me to produce a good quality music video. 

 Boom Mic
This is one of the new equipment's, the school has invested money into. However, I am not going to need it, as I am not going to do trailer but music video, with the background song by Jason Derulo ''It girl''. If I would be doing film trailer, then this is the right, accurate and very effective equipment to use , to gain the best sound quality as possible, or even pick up the outside sounds , such as: rain, wind, cars etc. 
 Go Pro
This is a new equipment the school has bought, and this equipment is also introduced to us as ''versatile camera'' because it allows you to use do filming underwater without breaking, therefore this type of equipment is mainly used in extreme sports. This means that if I would like to do some filming underwater, such as: filming someone's hand underwater to get a close up of the hands, then this is the right equipment which allows me to do it. Even though, it is a small equipment, it has a good quality footage, which is great, if I would like to use it a lot of, and then transfer it into Go Pro camera hardware. 

Nikon JVC camera 
This is the most important equipment from all others above, as it allows me to do filming in high quality footage, as well as is very small and light, easy to use, and handle. I must say that I have some experience with this equipment previously,  therefore I know how to use it as well as how to transfer the footage I have filmed into the computer  and then edit it on final cut software.  

There are also few software's and program's, I am going to use, in order to produce a real media product's ( music video, magazine advertisement, and digipack of CD) for my A2 coursework. 
This include

  1. Final Cut
  2. Youtube
  3. Photoshop
  4. Window Live Maker 

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Camera movements within my music video

Functions of camera movements are: to direct the viewer's attention to particular scene which I want them to see, and provide narrative information, in order to create expressive effects, as it will give original  professional  and unlike look of my music video. Therefore, before I start filming with my two candidates, I have refreshed my mind by going and looking back to my old notes. This also help to decide which of the camera movements I have to use, which of the camera movements I can use, but also which I don't have to use.

Music convention's for Pop videos

  • bright and colorful
  • close-ups to show cheerful and upbeat emotions
  • extreme close ups which tends to show the purity innocent in the personality of the artists
  • aims at the teenager audience
  • very upbeat

Here are the main one's I have picked, and decided to apply within my music video as well as some of the camera shots, I have mentioned above, in order to give an impression of professionally done real media product. 

  • Close up
  • wide shot 
  • medium shot
  • medoum close-up
  • establishing shot
  • pan shot 
  • Zoom

Within the music video, I am planning to have a mise-en-scene that will involves my protagonist character (male) to being in an isolated room, as I want to reflects the theme of isolation from his lover. In order to express this idea, I will also have to pay attention to the props, such as: dark, informal clothes which will represent the down mood of the protagonist. Similarly, the lighting will be dark, as this connotes the sadness as well as depressed mood. Also I will be using some of the transitions that are very common in music video's, such as: fade and dissolve, as they create a different effects to cuts.       

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Inlay Part Of The CD

This is an example of inlay part of the CD, for my CD digipack. As you can see, I have used the image of butterfly again, which symbolised the love between two young people; the freedom their share together; the idea of love being unstable as well as beauty and positive energy their love send and represent. These eyes are the girl's eyes from the music video, with the interesting, magical, outstanding, significant make-up, which should create the idea of butterfly wings. These are has been photoshoped on the picnic program; allowing me to change the eyes colours, the tone of the background etc. In the middle of the part, there is large image of the girl's eyes, with the butterfly on the top of it.  Around this image, there are other images of the eyes, mixed all together, and placed in different parts of this inlay cover ( such as: upsaid down, the image of just one eye). I really like this cover, I think is very magical, with the codes and symbolis.  

Friday, 1 March 2013

Back CD cover- Final media product

Back CD cover: JDR, ''It girl''. 

The quality of CD back cover is almost as important as the music itself, as it draw in the audience that would have bought it, therefore, my target was to produce attention grabbing design.  In order to achieve this I have constructed few key questions in order to meet my target. 
  • Is the name of the artists clear and visible?
  • Can you distinguish the artists name from the title of the CD?
  • Does my cover design portray the style of the music? 
I believe that I have pay attention to all of these followed question, when I have produced the final back CD cover. Must say that, I am more than satisfied with the overall look of the media product, as it look like a real media product. The reason why is because I tried to focus on the little details such as: the record label, websites name, the similar background to the front cover of the CD, etc- which helps me to create a professional looking design. However, there is one specific sentence which I like the most, and this is ''DIGITAL COPY KILLS THE MUSIC!" where I have used handwriting style, with the white colour scheme. The reason why is because I agree with this statement,as well as makes the cover the real air look, as this can be seen in real media products. 

Magazine Advertisement- ideas

Magazine Advertisement's for my CD cover of the song ''It girl'' by JDR. 

I've decided to produce two different examples for my magazine advertisement's of CD cover. The reason why is because I wanted to produce a platinum edition as well, where I have used different colour scheme of the colours dark grey and grey with the shadow effect, to make it stands out better. I also used different colour scheme on the title of the website, to match it with the Atlantic records label, which gives the unlike overall look of the magazine advertisement. I wondered how it will look, and must say that with the final media text product, I am very pleased as it look very professional, compare to the real media text products. However, I also like the second idea of magazine advertisement, where I have used the same colour scheme of the background of the CD cover, which is browny orange colour, with another colour of white on the titles.
According to the people I've asked, they prefer the first example: with the white background, as it look professional, and more real to media product text. Therefore, I decided to that this media text, will be the one I am going to keep and present as my final magazine advertisement. 

The Final Magazine Advertisement 

Thursday, 14 February 2013


The plan

  • I am planning to start filming next week
  • The reason why is because the school's are closed because of the spring term holiday
  • Only want to spend two long days filming, with some regular breaks (e.g. for lunch)
  • Because I only want to spend two days; I must inform my two candidates about the filming, what are my plans (e.g. times and days)
  • I will ask them on the social networking site: facebook, to find out if they can make it, to minimize any unexpected circumstances which could have a negative impact on the filming.
  • Here is a screen shot of the message I've sent to my candidates, however, there is only one reply from the female candidate, and another candidate, I have also informed through the phone, as he didn't have time to go on facebook. 
  • Both has attended the filming and I am happy to say, everything went smoothly and quickly. 

  • I also need to make sure that the weather will be suitable for the filming next week (e.g. no rain, or too cold)
  • I will achieve this by looking at the BBC weather website: to predict what kind of weather will be for next week
  • I have looked at the weather prediction, and according to results, I have decided to do filming on Monday and Tuesday.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Hartley, Hodge and Kress

John Hartley, Hodge and Kress- genres limit creativity
John Hartley (1994)
He argued that ''genres are agents of ideological closure- they limit the meaning potential of a give text''. 
This suggests that genre acts as a straight jacket; limiting creative potential. 

How can this theory apply to music video's?
  1. In the way that conventions are shown in the most of pop music videos.
  2. For example: within the hip-hop, rap, music videos => the similar dance choreography of the female dancers, wearing the similar costumes in order to attract the male audience; to gain their attention. 
  3. This could be seen as one of the reasons, why are these video's so popular to watch, especially by the young generation.This also influence the young people, and have negative impact on their behavior's ( e.g. men seeing the women mainly as objects; not more as a human, or having general negative view on women)
  4. Therefore, it is important in creating the music video, what message the music video have, and what kind of impact it will have on the people when they will watch it.
  5. The fact is that nowadays, people expect to see half naked women in the hip-hop music videos, however, the first hip-hop music video's have been created to represent their poor background, and throughout the lyrics the artists were allowed to express their feelings and emotion.
  6. Because I am going to create a music video, mainly for young generation, I must ensure that I don't represent the love only in negative way.
  7. But also I use the conventions in order to create a clear message to the audience of what my music video is about: such as: the shots of two young people walking together, kissing/hugging, etc. 
  8. I have to follow these conventions, otherwise my music video will be unappreciated, and for some people perhaps boring. 
  9. I also think that generally,  the concept used within the music video's of any kind of genre's, are limited by not allowing the directors/producers to be more creative. 
  10. Therefore in the most of music video's, you can see that the director use preferred reading ( what the director wants you to see) in order to not confuse the audience.
  11. The music video's which are misunderstand, are usually the less popular, and sometimes ignored by the audience (ignoring the message which has been constructed by the producer or even the artist)
  12. Nowadays, the idea of being original, seems to be unappreciated/alienated/unrecognized by the audience. 
  13. Overall, this provides that there isn't any media text, that does not follow specific rules,which are associated with their genre background.
Robert Hodge and Guther Kress (1988)
They says that genres ''control the behaviour of producers of such texts, and the expectations of potential consumers'. 

How can this theory apply to music video's?
  • For my music video, I decided to use the song by Jason Derulo, ''It' girl'', and from the lyric, the audience will expect me to produce the music video in certain way, such as: to see woman and man in music video.
  •  As it would be very unconventional if there wouldn't be a woman, because the artist song is about his love toward a ''girl'', where the produce represent to the audience his desire; wanting to be with the girl.
  • Therefore, they will want certain characters within my videos, to match with the lyric and as well because they expect it from me as a producer. 
  • If my music video wasn't going to follow these conventions, the audience would be outraged and less watchable.
  • When creating a music video, it is important to have one main aim: to attract and drag the audience's attention.
  • This is what the most of directors do, when creating/producing music video's, otherwise they would lose money, and the time they have spend on the production, distribution, promotion.
  • My music video will not be conventional for this genre and the song, however, the video will portray the image of two people in love, but in different perspective. Therefore, there will be the certain element, which will suggest the audience what my music video is about; while allowing the audience to understand their own interpretation of it. 
  • This will be a low budget student music video, therefore, my music video won't be as good as the professional music video's, which people can see on: TV's, music channels (, MTV,facebook, myspace)
  • However, I will try my best, and will give everything into this project, in order to produce the work I will be proud of.
  • I will achieve this by creating the clear codes and messages throughout the actions of the characters, location, costumes, camera movements and shots etc. 

CD Template's- ideas

Here are my ideas of the CD template's, which I have produced for my CD cover. As you can see, I have used the image of butterfly and flower, just like I have used previously, on the back of the CD cover, to make it match together, as well as because I am creating a full Digi package, for my music video. Therefore it have to, or at least should match together, in order to not confuse people when they will buy it. The second template looks very simplistic, unlike, but very interesting. I have used the same font's effect as at the CD front cover, to make it match together, but instead of making it in browny-orange colour of background, I choose the light yellow colour. The reason why is to make it match with the image of the flower and butterfly. As you can see, the image is small, and placed on the bottom of the CD temple, for a reason. This is because I wanted to point out on the font of ''BONUS, It' girl'' as this is the song, I am going to use within my music video, as well as I 
needed more space for the list of the songs. 
The second CD template looks more professional,where I have used a lot of different effects on the main image, such as: contrast on the butterfly, and the lighter effect on the flower, as I wanted to make one image, to stand out from the other. I think I have done it quite well, and really like the overall design of it. In this one, and the one above, I have used the same fonts for the titles: for the song list and for the name of the CD cover ''It' girl''. I have done it for a reasons: first that I really like this font, and the second that it lovely match with the name of the song, that's why this font can remind of hand writing style. 
The first temple of the CD is different to others, as I have used and applied the same background as on the front CD cover. This is very conventional, and popular way; being able to see in different type of music genre's as well, for example: from pop, disco to r&b. The another reason why I have produced it in this way, is that I have bought CD cover, with the matching CD template, and absolutely fall in love with this idea. As I find it very interesting, creative as well as simple. That's one of the reasons as well for me creating a template's, as I have never done it before, and found it very interesting to do. Must say that I have enjoyed designing, and producing the CD templates of my own ideas, and also, I have developed my photoshoped skills. 

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Andrew Goodwin

Andrew Goodwin (1992)- generic conventions of the music video
He argued that many music videos shared six generic conventions: 

  1. Different sub-genres of music have their video convention (e.g. stages performance for rock videos, dance in pop videos)
  2. A relationship between lyrics and visuals
  3. A relationship between the music and visuals
  4. The demands of the record label will include the need for lot's of close-ups of the artist to emphasises the image of the start. 
  5. There is frequently references to notion of looking ( screens within screens, telescope etc.) and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body.
  6. There is often intertextual reference to films, Tv programmes, other music video. 
I have decided to apply this theory on one of my favourite music videos by Akon- I wanna Love you ft. Snoop Dogg. 

1. Hip-hop, rap music video tends to be thematic, such as: in this case there's the theme of relationship between male and female, and the director made the video out of it. As you can see, there is also another very famous, and well-known artist within the video; ''Snoop Dogg'', who rap throughout the song. This music video follows the genres of hip hop, rap music video, with the convention features, such as: the female dancers, wearing barely any clothes, as you can see their bra's and pants wearing on, with very suggestive and sexual colour red and black= connotation with the love (e.g. perhaps the image representing the male sexual fantasy throughout their clothes and colours) allows male to view them as a sexual object, with links to their very erotic dance choreography (e.g. when their touch their bodies while having their mouth opened, or when they shake their ''asses'' to the beat- shows the dancers sex appeal + enjoyment of this activity) 

A common generic convention for this genre is also a lot of close-ups being used, then long shot and established shot. The reason why is to draw the audience attention/focus on the both artists, to show their feelings and emotions, face expression and body language, image their represent= which match with this genre of music and videos ( such as: a close-up of the Akon's face, wearing black sun-glasses= very conventional, and stereotypical feature when presenting the hip hop, rap artist, as the audience becomes very easily familiar with it, or when both of the artists are on the stage; showing their dance hip-hop movie's, when one who is singing is looking directly to the audience and another one is looking somewhere else- showing his less important until he start to sing, and also wearing very expensive clothes and jewellery on= very typical for this genre, representing their wealth background, the lifestyle which appeals and attract mainly the young, teenager's audience. Also, we can see that Snoop Dogg is shown being seduced by one of the attractive women in the video.

2. In this music video, a relationship between lyrics and visual are very clear. According to Goodwin, there are three ways in which music videos work to promote a song. 
Music videos can use a set of images to illustrate the meaning of the lyrics and genre. This way is also the most common way, used by the producer, to promote the song. 

This word, is similar to repeat-ability,which means that meanings and effects are manipulated and constantly shown through the video, and drummed into the audience's vision.

When the meanings of the song are completely ignored by the audience. 

Within this music video,the relationship between lyrics and visual to the song is amplify, this means that it's repeat-ability. The reason why is because the effects are manipulated and constantly shown through the video, such as: fast editing between Akon singing and Snoop Dogg's rapping. Also the women play significant factor in hip-hop, rap genre's, and are represented as mainly sexual objects. This signifies to the audience the main meaning of the video, as well as the relationship between the lyric and visual. As the visuals become drummed into the audience's view, the audience become repeatedly aware of the lyric and the meanings which has been constructed and promoted by the director and the artist.
We can see this, in the line:''I see you winding and grinding up on that floor'', where the female dancers reacting to this line through their dance's moves. 

The song lasts for 4:15, and because the song is long, the music video become boring and repetitive as there is no clear narrative structure. 

3. A relationship between the music and visuals
The opening sequences within the video are redundant, because it follows a basic editing structure used by this genre, such as: the artist singing his lines,  when then is a pause, it's illustrate the girls dancing on the chair's, but also a quick shots of random, girls=  wearing very provocative clothes, where has been used the same colours scheme of black and red.  Then once again the camera goes to Snoop Dogg, to show his rapping line and illustrating his lines by doing actions for the line:
''Don't tell, won't tell, baby say I don't talk dog
 But she told on me, ohh well''
Here, we can see sharing lines between the rapper Snoop Dogg, and the woman next to him, we she does the gesture of ''no'', waving her finger from side to side. 

Then artist gestures, with the same girl continues through the video, in following line:
''Take a picture with me, what the flick gon'do?.- where we can see a close-up of the both face's, followed by the effect (the black lines on the screen, with another, moving image of Akon- suggesting his lines is coming now).

This effect is used through the video, but not all the time, usually when the borh artists are swapping ( from Akon to Snoop Dogg's, and from Snoop Dogg to Akon) because being alone on the stage, allows the artist show his power,  and control, while singing or rapping. 
Also, when there is sound of the beat of clapping a shot of the female dancers clapping, is used to identify to the audience, where this source of noise is coming in 1:20. The scene, where we can see and hear clapping to the beat of the sound is very conventional,and popular, especially within rap, hip-hop music video's. 

As you can see, the editing pace to the video is amplifying to the beat. This is very popular pop/rap dance videos, as they tend to have a quick  and sharp tempo to them= great source for the producer knowing when to cut. We can see this in 0:27-0:30 of Akon, when the tempo increases and so does the editing pace. We can also see this when the female dancers in 0:48- 0:50, when they clap to the beat of the song, and they dance choreography match with the following beats, with the quick shot of Snoop Dogg in the middle.

4. the need for lot's of close-ups of the artist to emphasises the image of the start.(Star image, multiple close-up shots of the main artist and rapper).
In this video ''I wanna love you'' the main focus is on Akon who is surrounded by the beautiful women, and the female dancers (who are wearing the similar, very provocative clothe's) to portray this most of the shot used by Akon and Snoop Dogg are close-ups of their face's. The reason for the director using a close up shots within the video, is to create a connection between the audience and the artists.

The costumes/clothes of the both artists

Within the video both artists are wearing similar costumes which create a distinctive look to the video, but also it's the way of show the audience their wealth background, but also throughout the lyric, when Snoop Dogg says '' Girl I spend money like it dont mean nothing''. But also it shows that both are equal to each other; both are famous, well known especially by the young audience, and are at the top of their career. 

There is shot of Akon, in 2:42 when he does not connect with the audience, but looking at the large screen where we can see the beautiful woman, singing to her= makes the shot looks more personal and trustful.   

What I like about rap, hip-hop music videos, is that in the end of the music videos, there is usually a medium shot of the people ( usually known and famous rap, hip hop artist's, wearing the similar clothes to the artists, which could symbolised the power and support they have from them, but also it gives a great overall look to the whole music video). 

Friday, 25 January 2013

Back Cd covers - ideas

 Here are my first ideas for the back cover of CD. 

Here are my brief ideas of the back CD covers. I have decided to product three opinions/examples, in order to show my creativity and original ideas,as well as it gives me advantages to then pick the best one; according to my students class people, and then try to improve the design and make it look even better. As you can see, in the first two back covers, I have used an image of butterfly and flower, as I think it's symbolised the young love which I am going to show within my music video, but also fit's with the name of the song I am going to use 'It' girl', the image associated with girl- flower and butterfly. In the last back CD cover, I have used different, original and out-standing background, therefore I didn't have to use the image of flower and butterfly. Within this background I have used some of the effects, which helped me to make it look darker on the side, and brighter inside, to highlight on the fact that the middle part is the most important as it lists the name's of the CD cover. This also allowed me to use brighter colour's on both fonts ( the numbers and the names) where as you can see, I have used two different colours- creamy white on the names, and bright orange of the numbers, to make it look interesting, as well as to make it stands out better. I decided to apply this the bright orange  on the bar code, and think it looks really good, and goes well with the look of the overall cover page. Both fonts are different; on the names I have used  italic font, gives the idea as it's written there, and on the numbers I have used normal font with the large letters, where I have put the star * image, at the each sides. 
The reason why I decided to use the same image, in the first two back CD covers, was to see different possible's of using the same image, as well as allowed me to express my creativity by playing with the colours- changing the tones of colours to match it perfectly with their background, but also placed them in different parts of the page, as in the first cover I wanted the image to stands out well, being easily to see, and make the image look important on the page. In the second back cover, I wanted the image to match perfectly with the background-creates the idea that it belongs there, that I haven't put the image there, therefore I have under-tone the colours, and placed it where the all lines meet together. I believe that I have done it well, as it looks exactly how I imaged it to be. 

Analysis of the CD Covers

Front Cd covers ideas

Here are some ideas of the CD covers I have produced for the front cover's.
The name of the album is JDR-this stands for Jason Derulo as I am going to use one of his song, within my music video, ''It girl''. I have used browny-orange colour for the background, to make it match with the photo of the girl on the cover, which has been already photoshoped on different program. Another reason is the fact that I wanted to make the cover look serious and professional, therefore, I didn't used any bright colours, expect the ones on the fonts, to make it stands out better. I really like how the colour scheme from the background, image of the girl, to fonts match perfectly together. 

I've picked two colours for the both fonts, one the MASTHEAD ''JDR'' you can see bright orange colour,where I have used various of shadow's and other effects. On the title ''It' girl'' I have used lovely light creamy colour, to make it stands out better as well as helped me to create an amazing colour scheme for the look of the overall front cover. I really like this cover, and especially the colour scheme which I have used there, as everything stands out well, even though I have used the similar colours. 

I have decided to create another CD cover, similar to the first one, by using the same image and background but change the fonts (the size, the colour, and the place). The reason why is that after I've produced the first cover, I had some ideas of how to improve it, and make it even better. I decided to keep this first cover, as this is my original and first idea, from which then I have produced the another one. This allowed me to see the difference, and the progressed which I have made. Because I like the both of the covers, I decided to ask people from my class, to help me solve my problem, and pick the one they think looks 

On the second cover, I have changed the MASTHEAD and title fonts, to something more original and funny- to attract the audience attention. This also allowed me to see the difference between the first cover, and this one, as I believe that by changing the colour scheme and put some affects on the writing, make the difference and gives the various and unlike image of the overall look of the cover. On the MASTHEAD I have used one of my favourite effect ''gradient overlay'' - which has created this lovely effect of three colours, where from the top and the bottom colour is same. Also, the colour tone is different, on the top is darker and on the bottom is lighter, and in the middle you can see yellow colour. I believe that this gives impression of pop music, as the song I am going to use, is from this genre, but also creates humorous and friendly design of the fonts. The reason why is because my music video will be about two young teenagers, falling in love together. Therefore, I didn't wanted to use any sad, dark colours, but something bright to point out, not just on their age, but also on the image of love. The idea that love isn't always same,  that the love brings /begins and comes with the happiness, but also the sadness, tears and broken heart. Just like this pattern of the font- the colours are changing, and from darker to brighter= show image of love. 

Here's another different example of CD cover, where I have used the same photo, but produced it in different way, in order to show the audience the full face of this person, but also to show different possibilities of using the same photo. Also, this is my first ever Cd cover I have produced at the beginning of the year. I don't really like this cover, but what I do like are the fonts which I used there. Therefore, I decided to apply these fonts in the both of my CD covers which are above. I believe that on this cover, you can see the huge progress I have made in order to make the cover's above look better, professional, where I have also created some codes throughout the colour schemes and pattern.


Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Pre-production - Storyboard

By creating script and storyboard, during pre-production, will ensures me, that I have a solid plan-of-action before starting production. This will help me during production by allowing me to focus on the task at hand.

Here's the picture of my storyboard. 

Young Love

Poster with the images which are associated with the young love.

Within my music video, I am going to represent the ''young love''  by two young people, with the background song by Jason Derulo ''It' girl''. The reason for creating the poster, is to give myself perspective of how should I represent young love, so the audience will be easier to familiar with it, and will understand the codes which I will create in other to convey their meanings. As you can see there are mixed of the pictures young people like to do, eat, say when they want to express their love to someone they like, their lifestyle and clothes fashion design. All these significant elements are important for my filming part.As well as it shows the image of how young people, and how they see the love throughout their eyes, by taking the picture of the moment they think was significant. I believe that this will help me when I will be filming for my music video, as it gives me the ideas of what I should be focused on in order to represent the young love in the right, convetional way. 

Monday, 14 January 2013

The song for my music video

Warner Brows record labels
I have contacted the Warner Brows on their website, which is : They have not yet replied to my message, but when they will, I will present the content of the email on Blogger. Here's a screen shot of myself messaging to Warner Brows label, licensing department, asking for permission to use the song by Jason Derulo ''It girl'', as this is song I would like to use for my music video.